I am originally from New York. I attended the State University of New York at Plattsburgh, graduating with a degree in Environmental Science. During my third year, I became interested in photography: taking classes, and working as a student supervisor in the main photo lab. During the summers I worked as a studio assistant in a New York catalog studio.

In 1979, I started working in NYC shooting still-life for catalogs and advertising. I spent 5-years based out of NYC, which included two years of extensive travel throughout the eastern and mid-western United States shooting larger projects on location.

In 1984, I accepted a position managing a photography studio in Chicago, IL, but after a year, I decided to go out on my own. I moved from Chicago to Washington, D.C., and opened my first studio in 1986.

While I learned photography via traditional work flows, I have always embraced digital technology. I was an early adopter of large-format digital photography, large-format digital printing, RGB workflow, and digital color-management. Still, my core experience is based on understanding the relationship between traditional photography and offset-printing which, perhaps ironically, has made understanding the digital workflow much more intuitive.
Nice mug, huh?

This was taken right after I got
26 stitches over my right eye following
a bike crash in 2006; it's my "tough guy" look. It works well with phrases like:
"the check BETTER be in the mail!" :-)